Friday 12 June 2015

4th July 2015 patriotic quotes wishes & sayings| US Independence Day

4th July 2015 patriotic quotes, 4th July 2015 patriotic wishes & 4th July 2015 patriotic wishes: 4th July is celebrated as the Independence Day in America as the country got the Independence on 4th July 1776. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.

Here in this post we are providing best collections of Happy US Independence Day 2015 patriotic quotes wishes & sayings which you can send to all your friends. This article will contain the following items- 4th July patriotic quotes, 4th July patriotic wishes & 4th July patriotic wishes.

4th July 2015 patriotic quotes| US Independence day

May the fireworks of pride, solitude and love for your country dwell in your heart and in the hearts of all our American brothers and sisters. Long live United States Of America! Here's wishing you a Rocking 4th of July.

At a time when censorship is the weapon of many and curbing down on freedom of speech is the mantra of autocrats, let us reiterate on this Independence Day that freedom is our first right and we shall preserve it.

Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.

4th July 2015 patriotic wishes| US Independence day

On this great day when everyone is celebrated, the youth should come forward and stand for their rights. Let people live a free life that is beautiful and beyond the rules. Happy 4th Of July to everyone

Celebrate this day with a silent prayer of thanks to our heroes who made it possible for us to live in a nation free from regime.

The sacrifices made by you will not go in vain as each individual promises to put their efforts in helping the country to become better and explore a new era that is free from corruption.

4th July 2015 patriotic sayings| US Independence day

Lincoln once said that America was founded on a proposition that was written by Jefferson in 1776. We are really founded on an argument about what that proposition means. Nevertheless, to the persecution and tyranny of his cruel ministry we will not tamely submit -- appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we determine to die or be free.

America is much more than a geographical fact. It is a political and moral fact - the first community in which men set out in principle to institutionalize freedom, responsible government, and human equality.

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